Бесплатна онлајн шах игра. Играј шах во чист интерфејс. Без регистрација, без реклами, без додатни plugin-и. Играј шах со компјутер, пријатели или случајни противници.
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 македонски јази
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Embed lichess in your site

Do you have a website, and want to add a playable live chess section?
Add the following line to your site html:

<script src="http://en.chesster.ru/embed?w=820h=650"></script>

The w and h parameters control the width and height of the chess window.

Embed the Chess TV in your site

Just add the following line to your site html:

<script src="http://en.chesster.ru/tv/embed?theme=brown&bg=light"></script>


  • - theme: Controls the board theme. Available themes: brown, blue, green, purple, yellow, grey, wood, canvas, leather.
  • - bg: Controls the background color. Available backgrounds: light, dark.